
As part of our on-going process of continuous school improvement, the NCA team has identified the following statements and goals as our area of focus:

Statement 1:

At Highmore-Harrold, we will analyze and apply learning from a range of data sources, including comparison and trend data about student learning, instruction, program evaluation, and organizational conditions and provide training for staff in the analysis of data.

Goal 1: All students will increase proficiency in reading comprehension, with at least 75% of PreK-12 students showing proficiency.
Goal 2: All students will increase proficiency in mathematics, with at least 75% of PreK-12 students showing proficiency.


Click Here! to see how we are addressing this goal.


Statement 2:

At Highmore-Harrold, we will develop and implement a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, communicate, and implement a vision and purpose for the district along with a strategic plan.

Goal 3: Increase communication with all stakeholders with regards to the functioning of the district.


Click Here! to see how we are addressing this goal.


Statement 3:

At Highmore-Harrold, we will develop and implement school wide mentoring, coaching, and induction programs that support instructional improvement consistent with the school's values and beliefs about teaching and learning including processes for mentoring, coaching and induction that supports new and veteran staff.

Goal 4: To create a process to assist new staff into the Highmore-Harrold district.


Click Here! to see how we are addressing this goal.


Statement 4:

At Highmore-Harrold, we will monitor and communicate the comprehensive information about student learning, conditions that support student learning, and the achievement of school improvement goals to all stakeholders.

Goal 5: Increase communication about the district's goals to all stakeholders.


Click Here! to see how we are addressing this goal.

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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